Get to Know DinamikCRM
About Us
Dinamik360 Software Inc., to operate in the fields of CRM technology development, software rental, technology, and call center consultancy, was founded in 2020 by Yahya Ekinci. The company launched the DinamikCRM infrastructure, which it had been developing since 2018, to achieve its primary goals.
DinamikCRM, developed with 100% Turkish capital, aims to expand into the CIS market after reaching a certain volume in the Turkish market with its software infrastructure that has over 40 modules and end-to-end solutions provided to more than 10 sectors.
Our Primary Goal and Mission;
To offer all technological tools (CRM applications, pre-accounting tools, sales & marketing tools) that will help the digitalization of startups, individual businesses, freelancers, and small and medium-sized enterprises in our country at the most affordable prices, positioning ourselves more as a solution partner rather than just a vendor.
Our Vision
To actively participate in our country's digitalization process, create value, and become a valuable brand representing our country worldwide.
Why DinamikCRM?
We have listed just three of the dozens of reasons that distinguish DinamikCRM from other CRM software.
Meet Our Team
Yahya Ekinci
Founder - CEO
Yahya Ekinci
Founder - CEO
Lider 3 Banka, 3 Outsource (Dış kaynak) Çağrı Merkezi ve 3 Startup (Girişim) deneyimine sahip.
Dış kaynak çağrı merkezi yöneticiliği döneminde ekibiyle birlikte finans, sigortacılık, otomotiv, sağlık ve iletişim sektörleri başta olmak üzere 50+ yeni projeyi hayata geçirdi. Hayata geçirdiği projelerle 4 farklı kurumdan başarı ödülleri aldı.
Startup deneyimlerimde ise zorlu ve eşsiz süreçlerden geçerek paha biçilemez tecrübeler edindi. Edindiği tüm bu tecrübeleri şu an DinamikCRM girişimimde kullanıyor.
Berkay Bayraktar
Software Developer