In the Media

DinamikCRM İstanbul Ticaret Gazetesi Görseli
İstanbul Ticaret Gazetesi

The 2nd page of this week's issue of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) publication, Istanbul Trade Newspaper, is dedicated to DinamikCRM.

The digital version of the newspaper, which features an interview with our founder Yahya Ekinci for the BTM (Commercialization Center), can be accessed via the link below, while the print version is available at newspaper stands and ITO centers.
On Ekotürk TV

Founder of DinamikCRM, Yahya Ekinci, appeared live on Ekotürk TV's Digital Finance program with İskender Ada.

Founder of DinamikCRM, Yahya Ekinci, appeared live on Ekotürk TV’s Digital Finance program with İskender Ada.

DinamikCRM Ekotürk Görseli
DinamikCRM egirişim Görseli

DinamikCRM successfully completed its equity-based crowdfunding round with a target of 2.5 million TL.

Founder of DinamikCRM, Yahya Ekinci, appeared live on Ekotürk TV’s Digital Finance program with İskender Ada.


DinamikCRM successfully completed its crowdfunding investment round with a 108% success rate, surpassing its target of 2.5 million TL.

Through the crowdfunding campaign organized on the Fongogo platform, DinamikCRM received an investment of 2,740,298 TL from over 200 investors, based on a valuation of 54 million TL, achieving a 108% success rate in its first round.

DinamikCRM Startup Teknoloji Görseli
DinamikCRM Girişim Haber Görseli
Girişim Haber

DinamikCRM Completed Its Investment Round with 108% Success!

DinamikCRM successfully completed its crowdfunding campaign on the Fongogo platform, receiving an investment of 2,740,298 TL from over 200 investors based on a valuation of 54 million TL, achieving a 108% success rate in its first round. Here are the details…


DinamikCRM Launched Crowdfunding Investment Round on Fongogo with a 2.5 Million TL Target

The local startup DinamikCRM, offering CRM modules (customer relationship management modules) along with many additional modules to its users with all subscription packages, launched an investment round on the crowdfunding platform Fongogo with a target of 2.5 million TL.


DinamikCRM egirişim-2 Görseli
DinamikCRM Fongogo Görseli

Founder of DinamikCRM, Yahya Ekinci, is answering Fongogo questions live.

Founder of DinamikCRM, Yahya Ekinci, is answering Fongogo questions live.


We Interviewed Yahya Ekinci, Founder of DinamikCRM!

At StartupTeknoloji, we are delighted to meet with entrepreneurs. In this context, we conducted an interview with the founder of DinamikCRM, who was among the sponsors of our 5th breakfast event.

DinamikCRM Startup Teknoloji Röportaj Görseli
DinamikCRM Girişim Haber-2 Görseli
Girişim Haber

Algorithm-Supported Customer Management Feature from DinamikCRM

DinamikCRM, which offers end-to-end business management solutions, has introduced an algorithm-supported customer management feature to provide a more seamless experience for its users. Here are the details…

Yeni Nesil Kafası

DinamikCRM Founder Yahya Ekinci on Episode 61 of Kitle Kafası

Yahya Ekinci, the founder of DinamikCRM, was the guest on the 61st episode of Kitle Kafası!


DinamikCRM Kitle Kafası Görseli
DinamikCRM fintechtime Görseli

DinamikCRM Launches Investment Round to Complete SuperAPP Transformation

DinamikCRM, offering end-to-end solutions to increase business efficiency, has launched an investment round with a valuation of 54 million TL to complete its SuperAPP transformation.


Startup and Technology Agenda

Our program “Startup and Technology Agenda,” which we broadcast live every weekday morning, is sponsored by KidoKit this week. On Thursday, October 5th, Yahya Ekinci, the founder of DinamikCRM, was our guest.


DinamikCRM StartupTeknoloji Girişim Gündemi Görseli
DinamikCRM StartupTeknoloji Yahya Ekinci Röp. Görseli

DinamikCRM Launches Investment Round to Complete SuperAPP Transformation!

Offering end-to-end solutions to increase business efficiency, DinamikCRM has launched an investment round with a valuation of 54 million TL to complete its SuperAPP transformation.

DinamikCRM started the investment round on the crowdfunding platform Fongogo, seeking a total of 2.5 million TL for 4.48% of the venture.


Startup Teknoloji

Discover DinamikCRM, Bringing Business Management to the Cloud and Invest in the Future!

DinamikCRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management software that offers the opportunity to manage business processes end-to-end from a single platform. With features such as customer management, sales, order, and appointment management, this software helps you handle your tasks easily and assists businesses in optimizing their workflows.

DinamikCRM StartupMarket Görseli

Discover DinamikCRM: A Powerful Tool for Moving Business Management to the Cloud and Investing in the Future!

The business world is rapidly changing, and with advancing technology, it’s more important than ever for businesses to stay competitive. This is where DinamikCRM comes in. By combining business management with cloud technology, DinamikCRM allows businesses to work more efficiently and effectively.


Cloud CRM Initiative Enhancing Business Efficiency: DinamikCRM

Founded by Yahya Ekinci, the local Cloud CRM initiative DinamikCRM contributes to companies’ operational processes with its features. The initiative, which develops different solutions for different scenarios, also accelerates operations in the field of digitalization.

DinamikCRM Upcorn Görseli
DinamikCRM GirişimUp Görseli

Cloud-Based Local CRM Application Assisting in Business Management: DinamikCRM

Focusing on solving issues such as New Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Lack of Corporate Memory, Integration, and Reporting, the cloud-based local CRM application DinamikCRM’s founder Yahya Ekinci joins us this week in Entrepreneurial Talks.


DinamikCRM Released Customer Management Panel

With the customer management panel that will strengthen the bond with your customers, DinamikCRM users now have a new generation customer management panel to track all business workflow processes end-to-end and maximize interaction with their customers.

DinamikCRM StartupMarket Müşteri Yönetim Paneli Görseli
DinamikCRM KobiEfor Görseli

DinamikCRM Aims to Become a Unicorn in Its Field

DinamikCRM Co-Founder Yahya Ekinci stated that they continued to grow rapidly in 2021, saying, “Our efforts to expand abroad also continue. In 2021, DinamikCRM will be used in many countries. Our goal is to become a ‘Unicorn’ in our field.”


Girişimcilik Platformu bizden The Entrepreneurship Platform Mentioned Us

Positioned as the most affordable and suitable CRM program for working from home, DinamikCRM is an initiative that gathers all tools from customer management to sales, order, and appointment management on a single screen.

DinamikCRM egirişim CRM Programı Görseli
DinamikCRM girişimup Bulut Yazılımı Görseli

New Source of News in the Startup, Innovation, and IT World, Girişimup, Mentioned Us

DinamikCRM, a cloud software based in Istanbul, offers numerous solutions to businesses using cloud systems. DinamikCRM provides businesses with a professional platform for customer relationship management to assist with business management.

TR AI Week

Turkey Artificial Intelligence Week

Our founder Yahya Ekinci participated as a speaker in the panel on “Artificial Intelligence in the SME World” in collaboration with the digital transformation center during Turkey AI Week.

DinamikCRM TR AI Week Görseli
DinamikCRM Webrazzi Görseli
Webrazzi, an Authority in Technology, Web Ventures, and Online Marketing, Mentioned Us.

As a local CRM application, DinamikCRM enables companies to manage all their operational processes from a single point. Claiming to include all the tools that will increase your business efficiency and ease your daily life, DinamikCRM …

DinamikCRM Start Up Kurucu Hikayesi Görseli
Start Up

Next Generation Entrepreneur's Magazine Start Up Published Our Founder’s Story

Our goal is to create a platform where the entire experience can be designed end-to-end. We will continue to rapidly implement all the tools needed in business management, going beyond a typical CRM software.


The Wikipedia of the Entrepreneurial World, StartUp Nedir, Mentioned Us

Managed by an extremely professional team in the Call Center field, DinamikCRM now allows you to implement and manage previously very difficult and troublesome Call Center setup processes within hours and from a single screen.

DinamikCRM StartUp Nedir Görseli
DinamikCRM CX Club Görseli
CX Club

The Customer Service and Experience Platform CX Club Mentioned Us.

The cloud CRM platform DinamikCRM allows small and medium-sized businesses to manage all operational processes in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) field from a single point.


The Technology, Startup, and Fintech News, Analysis & Content Site TechInside Mentioned Us

DinamikCRM offers Cloud CRM services for both small and medium-sized businesses. Since the beginning of 2018, the company has been providing solutions to SMEs for new customer acquisition, retaining existing customers, and supporting their corporate memory.

DinamikCRM TechInside Görseli
DinamikCRM Girişim Haber 2020 Görseli

The Content Source of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, GirişimHaber, Mentioned Us

By facilitating the digital transformation of SMEs and surpassing its competitors, DinamikCRM aims to enter international markets in 2020, contributing to the promotion and service export of its country.


The Entrepreneurial Story of DinamikCRM Founder Yahya Ekinci

I am a member of a family involved in trade for many years. My late grandfather ventured into trade in the 1950s, followed by my father who grew up in the market and took part in many initiatives throughout his commercial life, which are the biggest reasons for my personal story.


DinamikCRM StartupMarket Yahya Ekinci Hikayesi Görseli
DinamikCRM Dorabase Görseli

We Present the Blog Post of Our Technological Infrastructure Provider Dorabase Titled "Meet the New Generation CRM!"

DinamikCRM, a platform-independent, next-generation CRM program accessible anytime and anywhere, offers a personal assistant-like service and ensures that no important issue is overlooked.